As we age, our teeth naturally darken as we pick up stains from our diet and the enamel wears away to reveal the darker dentine underneath. Whitening makes your smile look healthier and more youthful, giving you a boost of confidence.
Whitening uses a safe chemical reaction to release oxygen molecules and these break down stains in the enamel and dentine. As a result, whitening gradually bleaches the surfaces, lightening the teeth to a desired shade. At Sunbury Dental, we have different systems that use the same chemical process in different ways.
So you can have the treatment that works best for you, we offer three different systems of whitening.
Using both home kits and in-surgery whitening, Enlighten offers the brightest end result, achieving Vita Shade B1. Using custom-made mouth trays to begin with, the system removes most of the stains from the enamel and dentine. After two weeks, you return to the practice where your dentist then tops up the treatment, creating a beautiful result.
Enjoy a smile that you can be proud to show off with teeth whitening. Want to know more? We offer free consultations where you can speak to our experts before choosing which system is best for you.
Book your appointment todayFor information and advice or to ask us any questions, please use the contact form below to get in touch. A member of our team will get back to you as soon as they possibly can.